Tuesday, October 9, 2007

HW#17B my vote goes with...


After reading both interviews with Ana Marie Cox, and Markos Moulitsas Zuniga I went to there blogs
; http://www.dailykos.com/ and http://www.wonkette.com/ and read over a few of there posts. I believe that of both these blogs my vote would be more impacted by what is said on wonkette. I believe this because the righting style is much more interesting and the blog is much more eye catching. The blog includes pictures, movies and dialog form various Washington people. The Dailykos is all righting, yes it was interesting to read because he was telling the Truth and was in a humans voice, but there just didn't seem to be any feeling in the blog.
I feel because wonkette is more interesting looking I would be more likely to read thought all of the posts and get a larger view then if I were just to look at Dailykos, I wouldn't read all of the posts on dailykos. So if I were reading wonkette I would get more of a 360 degree view of the candidates, because I would read more of the posts.
I am a young person who isn't really into politics so I like the was Ana the author of wonkette rights about the polititions, its more apealying to me then the way Markos rights the dailykos. Although I think if I read something on wonkette and questioned it I may go look at dailykos to find out if the information was real or if it was just a rumor. Dailykos seems to give off a more truthful vib.
So maybe my vote really wouldn't be influenced by either of the websites more then the other, because I wouldn't read all the posts on dailykos and I would question the reality of wonkettes posts.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

Yes, Wonkette makes Washington interesting!
(Don't forget to proofread.)