Thursday, November 1, 2007

HW#27 Waking up

Baghdad Burning A Girl Blog from Iraq this is a real blog that a real girl in Iraq known as Riverbend wrote during the war on Iraq. Feminist Press at the City University of New York published it in 2005.

Riverbend, Baghdad Burning. New York: Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 2005.

It gives us all a view of what was going on in Iraq form a person form Iraq. You get to know the country and how they had to live their lives on the edge of their seats.

"Waking up anywhere in Iraq these days is a trial. It happens in one of
two ways: either slowly, or with a jolt."

I think that this is a really good picture of what life was like to be living in Iraq. They give us information on how the presidential elections were held there in Iraq.

I think that this book is going to be a great read for this class because it is what my generation thinks of a blog being. A diary of a girl from Iraq, but it will also give us some political blogging and issues blogging, so you are getting a little of every type of blog that there is.